The Turban Assembly model and its methods of closing

The Tomb of the Chamber is a variety of beautiful and different extras that you can use in all seasons, and this unique accessory for women who tend to keep their hijab in all conditions while being more up-to-date and attractive. It seems to be a perfect choice.

Stylish New Turban Model and How to Close It

Turban is available in a variety of designs and colors, and you can choose from stylish and beautiful turban designs based on the color of the skin and other features of its appearance. Note that you can also make the best Turban for you with pure scarfs and scarves, in which case you need to have some creativity. In the previous article, you can see how to close the veil and how to close the scarf. In the next section, you will see the model of the Turban Chambers and how to close this unique Exquisite.

Teaching the closing ceremony

There are several methods to close the Turban (srband), and you can, if you wish, close the Turban to the extent that your hair is not visible, you can also remove part of the hair from the bottom.

The first method
The easiest way to close a turban is to use a scarf or scarf. To narrow the Turban, you should use a scarf or headband to close the Turban, then tuck the Turban out of your hair, and then knit the Turban to the side of the front.

The second method
Knit the scarf in a triangular fashion and place the veil in the form of an inverse triangle over your head, then hide the part of the shape triangle below the knot you are in, and also sort the shapes as you wish. Take away

Third method
This method has the more decorative aspect and to close the Turban with the help of this method, first, close your hair behind the hair and close the front part of the head around Turban, and eventually knit the Turban behind it.

Fourth Method
Most foreign tourists use this method. First, knit the shawl behind your back and tilt the second knife in the bow and tilt the Turban to a more attractive side.

The fifth method
First, knit the shawls in the back of the head, then slide the shawls into one side and wrap around each other. Cover the bundle that is wrapped around and fix it with the help of the clamp.

Sixth Method
First, tie the shawls on one side and wrap the shawls around your head regularly and eventually fix them on the knot with a clamping aid.

Tomb of the Turban

Saber is a perfect choice for women who are willing to wear hijab parties and extras or foreign travels. You can also use the Turban under the shawl or scarf.
Saber is not only used for hijab, and if you have no idea what to do with closing and shaping your hair, you can use this plug-in.

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